This nursy plays dirty and does it with pain...

Friday, August 31, 2007

Continuation - Universal Health Care - Pros and Cons

I have talked about the UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE which you can read down below. Here is the positive and negative talks about it...

The positive impacts of UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE discussed here are excerpts from several readings I have done...

Cut down or even elimination of using the emergency rooms for primary care. Universal health care can provide the poorest of the poor the free taxpayer funded primary care from non-emergency room doctors.

Universal heath care would definitely get rid of the bureaucracy in the health insurance.

Medical costs currently come from lawsuits. With a government run agency those costs could be easily reduced since there will only be a single agency, the government, involve in the litigation process.

People without insurance can pay a tremendous amount for a minimal time with a doctor. With the Universal Health Care, profit will be taken out of the equation.

As with the positive impacts, the discussion of the negativities of UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is from the several readings I have done.

America has the best medicines and doctors because of the competition that is created by the free market health care system. It has flaws just like any other systems and these flaws would be even worse with the the Universal Health Care System.

Universal health Care system would just give the politicians another social program to boast about and manage.

There are people that are too lazy to take the personal responsibility required to live off of their own effort. Where is the incentive to become unpoor these days? There are people that need health care, true, but there are the leaches to just look to the system to bail them out because working for compensation requires too much of them. These are the people ruining it for a lot of us, but our governmentt hands them a check anyways. America employs lazyness.

Universal health care would be a state- sanctioned monopoly. Monopolies are illegal in this country.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Yes Ma'm!!!

Yep!!! I did it!!! I even have a library card to prove it, besides the receipts, of course. What am I talking about??? I am officially enrolled, officially a student... AGAIN!!! I even started my financial investment to the educational system AGAIN... not cheap, that's for sure.

Last year, my one and only child graduated from college. His father and I helped him out from the beginning to the end. He did not have to work while going to school. He graduated without any debt to pay back. I have been kind of waiting around and see if he would come to his final decision of going back to school for his master's degree. He decided to wait a little while on that. He wants to be a little more stable in the "adult world". And when I heard that, I started thinking about me... remembering that the last time I was in school was in 1998 for my second bachelor in science degree - in nursing.

I have been checking around for programs. Two weeks ago, I emailed the director of a program and she emailed back with a response that I could be in the program that is starting August 20 if I drive up for the last orientation day which was 8 days ago. And I dragged a co-worker/friend with me to the wine country where the campus is at. It was amazing how things just evolved in seemingly whirlwind fashion. Before I knew it, I was accepted in the program at the end of that day in a promise that I will submit this and that paper work.

And so I bribed my ex-supervisors/friends to sign letters of recommendations for me. I started scribbling my essay. I looked for my college transcripts. All at the same time, I have been subjecting myself to several job interviews.I even started formulating some plans for my future life when school starts and some 1 1/2 jobs along with that. Yep, I can see me without any social life!!!

So, yesterday, after 2 hours and 45 minutes of driving in the ever so famous Bay Area traffic, I spent all day at the campus. And all those feelings came back. It might sound strange but I like that atmosphere, I like school, I like studying, I like the academia' deal. I did not mind at all that I was running back and forth to the book store, library, registration office, nursing department and all over the campus.

For the next two years I will be tackling my master's degree program... oh la la!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Summer picture blog... in E's Garden

Summer here in my part of the world has been cool and even breezy at times!!! It is great for a walker like me. Sometimes it is so nice that I end up walking my doggies early in the evening, too. I walk in the morning most of the times. Yep, I still drag myself to the gym for my Pilatis session and my badly needed abdominal tortures... hehehe!!! But in the garden is where I get my most enjoyable work out... wrestling with the weeds, weight lifting with bags of mulches and potting soil and bark chips and buckets and buckets of cuttings.

And my garden definitely is getting more TLC lately because of that wonderful summer weather. Here are some pictures...

But then you really have to come and visit to enjoy the fragrance in the garden...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

How women easily forget!!!

I don't know about you, but I think flying has a lot of similarities with pregnancy. Okayyy, I have to explain so you can see the parallel in them. You know how some women would have difficulties with their pregnancies. For one thing, the morning sickness where the first trimester is "anorexic/bulimic period" throwing their guts inside out and unable to eat anything. Or some of them develop many "sicknesses" along the way like high blood pressure and diabetes and swelling and weight gain, etc.... right???

Some of them stay "sick" althrough the pregnancy. I personally had minimal problems with my only pregnancy. I did ballooned from 109 pounds to a whopper of 170 pounds but that was it, no medical problems with that weight gain. Well, except the baby inside me would not let me have any caffeine. He literally went berserk inside me, kicking and what have you whenever I consumed anything with caffeine. So I just didn't have anymore after discovering that.

So as I was saying, women easily forget all those "sickness" and anomalies during pregnancy. In about 10-11 months post-partal period their motherly clock is ticking away again and yearning for another child... duh!!!

I fly quite a bit - more than I would like to. It is very rare that my flying venture goes smoothly... usually... it goes from worse, to worst, to worst(er) and to disaster. And still I fly, like pregnancy, I would always say, this is the last time I fly until that next time comes around... then the cycle goes on. This last trip was one of the worst(er), almost a disaster. I am now thinking really hard on the other options of travelling.With this trip, I got sick 4 days prior. I had sore throat, felt like my hunky beat me up (but I don't have a hunky so I can not claim that excuse), just the rundown-I-know-it-is-the-flu-bug-virus. So I was fighting the bug with all my might.

While still fighting the virus, I literally dragged myself to my Park and Fly hotel ... later than I was planning. When I got there I was told that I was not on their reservation list until I showed a confirmation number. Amazingly, my name popped up in the system but then she claimed she did not have a choice but to put me in a smoking room... the hotel was full. To which I sternly said... in my good, healthy condition, I would not mind that deal but I am having some respiratory problems so I better not. So she got busy tapping her confuser keys and yelped out a room number in my direction then got on her walkie-talkie and talked Spanish to the housekeeper to check the "cleaning" status of that room she just yelped out. As I was understanding the walkie-talkie conversation (of course she did not know I understand Spanish ... "that room is occupied so no need to clean".)

And so there she was tapping the confuser keys back and looked up and told me that she needed to put me up in a smoking room.For a minute there I thought I was having a deja vu episode. So I had to answer her the same way I answered her the first time when she asked me the same question.At last I was given the very last non-smoking room after waiting for it to get cleaned... it was 10 at night. And my flight the next morning .... 8 AM. So I got ready as much as I can that night so that I don't have to hurry the following day. Wake-up call was late, instead of 5:30, it was received at 5:45. Already up and almost out the door.

Flight was at 8 AM, arrived at the airport shortly before 6. I was dismayed to see the endless lines to check-in. I got in line and in about an hour in it, I started telling the airlines' workers that I had an 8 o'clock flight to which I kept being told, "it's okay, just get back in line". Half an hour before flight, again I announced to the airlines' personnel about the time of my flight. Again I was told that they will have instructions for me if ever I get late for my flight... did not sound right to me but ... So, of course I was late for my flight when I finally checked-in. One thing that got me was when she said... because I checked-in late that they can't guarantee about my luggage being in the same flight and not even sure when I can have them back in my possession. I decided to bite my tounge so as not to say anything mean.

Not only that I waited for over an hour to check-in but the security lines to the gates were endless... The lines went around the building. And I was even frisked because I had the alarm go off, my belt. I was searched and my purse had to be held because of questionable "liquid". The only liquid in there was an unopened bottle of water so I asked if they can just throw that out. That surely cleared the "suspicions".

I finally reached the gate and because I was late, I became a standby. No one was interested to hear about why I was late. I waited for the next flight, only to be told that I should have been at another gate when that flight time came around. I took some deep breaths and asked for exact instructions for the next standby flight.I flopped myself down close by where I was told to wait and started watching a movie with my laptop.

Then came the time of the next flight, I was not called. So I approached the podium again and asked. I was told I was called and I did not answer. Alright that did it!!!! My other hidden personality came out ... and gave them my piece of mind. But then that was all I can do. She must have whispered my name because I have a 20/20 hearing function and I was right next to her. I was really upset. I wanted to just go home and forget the whole trip.

Another set of instructions and this time I was determined not to give them any more excuses why I was still there at the airport at 1:30 PM when my flight was at 8 AM. Come 2:45 I was standing right next to the podium and ready to explode... hehehe!!! Then the clerk called the young lady that I have been talking to that missed her 9:40 flight because of oversleeping. I spoke up (loud and sternly) and asked why she was called first and blabbered out my exact story. So after paper shuffling and whatever else they do, I was handed a boarding pass. In that entire time, not one and this I pointed out to them too, that not one employee of the airline apologized for the "inconvenience". Whatever happened to customer service??? I'm sorry would have appeased me at least a bit.

I boarded the plane and to the luggage claim area in Vegas. Only to see that my suitcase was wrapped in a big plastic bag and my belongings were gaping out of it... undies and lingeries. To which I was coldly told that it was the government's doing and not the airlines. The government can just open up whichever luggage they feel is a "threat". I managed to zip back up my suitcase. The government apparently haphazardly handled my suitcase that caused the zipper to get derailed.

So I taxied to my hotel and bell hopped my luggage. I was physically and mentally challenged at that point... I was ready to have fun!!!So I did the necessary checking-ins and set up my programs and gathered necessary tickets and vouchers, etc... I was so ready to play!!! And much needed fun!!! I needed to erase the scrowl that had been on my face all day.

I got up to my very nice suite overlooking the swimming pools and all of the Las Vegas strip. My remote controlled blinds were raised up. My laptop connected to the internet. My complimentary orchid flower arrangement was gorgeous and my bottle of champagne icy cold ... Now we are talking!!!No luggage in the room to which I was told would be there even before I got there... so I waited... I flopped myself in front of the big window and enjoyed the view... while waiting for my luggage to show up.

An hour and a half later, no luggage... So I called again to find out the reason. "They're suppose to be there by now"... I declared that I was going downstairs and to just leave my luggage in the room pretty please... "No problems, Ms. M"And so I started playing the slot... First jackpot!!! Yesss!!! And second jackpot!!! Neat!!!

Around 7:30 I wanted to freshen up so I went back up and no luggage... hhhhhhmmmmm??? I was told that en route, one of my two suitcases fell off the cart and the zipper broke. I can only guess which one. I waited for them to be delivered and saw the suitcase was in worst(er) condition than it was at the airport. The manager offered to have it repaired. And yes, I did share with him the suitcase' airport story. So I emptied that suitcase to be taken to the repair shop. I should get it back the following day, I was told.

That was my Thursday adventure. Friday late afternoon I was in the hotel's cashier's window to cash in some voucher that required my id. From there I went to pick up my tickets for the Phantom of the Opera... to where they asked for my id which I could not provide because it was no where to be found. Yep, my brain pointed me to the cashier window being the last place I had to use it.And it was nowhere to be found ... the manager would have the surveillance tape played when I insisted that I needed it back. And off I went to the play. A wonderful play, I must say.

When I came out of the play I headed to the security to where the same person was still on duty and the one that told me earlier that my id was not there. He made me upset because when I was there the first time I was asking if there was another place like in the backroom for these "lost items" and he told me "no". This time around, he told me that he should have looked at the log book in front of him because it was written there that my id was in the back room.... DOUBLE DUH!!! All those things I wanted to tell him... but I maintained my composure but sarcastically commented... I am sorry, Ms. M for being lazy and egotistical and sarcastic the first time you were here... He sure did not like that!!! Oh well...

The rest of my stay was pleasant... And whatever happened in Vegas, stay in Vegas... hehehe!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Rockin' Award - for girls only!!!

Grabbed this from the award giver's blogspot... Nursy Fe....

NursyE this rockinNursy blogs from the West Coast. Her struggles inspired me to pursue my dreams (as I mentioned in my previous blog). A dedicated and proud Mom to her one and only C. She has the green thumb that I don’t. And oh, she have 2 (or 3?) beautiful furry babies.

And my acceptance speech:

NursyE Says: Here I am standing in front of all of you in my glittering, sexy red long gown… (which I also wore at the front row seat of the Phantom of the Opera in Vegas last week-end...dateless!!!).

Wiping the tears off my eyes and blowing kisses to all of you… Here comes my acceptance speech…

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS, to my sweet friend and fellow blogger, MOM (momoftwomunchkins, Fe) … she is truly a deserving recipient of that award.

I would like to thank everyone involve in this award that was bestowed upon my humble self. I appreciate it from the deepest part of my hypothalamus and that leads way deep into my Purkinje fibers.

Again, thank you very much!!!

Blowing kisses and carrying out Antonio Banderas as my award…

Right, Fe???


And part of having this rockin' (and rollin'???) award is to pass that pink badge.

Elyani - one of my very sweet friends who lives in Indonesia. I admire her for "invading" the world of hunkies in her line of work. She and I can talk about being "poor and poorness". We both love doggies. I salute her for her love for Fatso - who is now resting in the pet heaven. And she sure rocks for surviving many calamities in her country and health anomalies. Can't wait to spend time with her when she finally comes over to the western world to join the hubby. You rock, girlfriend!!!

Belle - another sweet friend ... blogging away from Arizona. The mastermind of my invasion of the blogging world. Esta amiga mía y yo tenemos muchas cosas de que poder hablar. We both like the Spanish language. We both adore our children. We have been attempting to practise the old tradition... arranged marriage... her beautiful and talented daughter, Steffi and my tall, dark and handsome son, Clint. She and I can talk too about "poor and poorness". I admire her struggles to better herself. I salute her for her community projects. ¡Usted oscila, mi amiga!!!

Now you two have to paste that pink badge on to your blogspot and pass it on ... Let's rock!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

10 random facts about your mom :) 'been tagged to do it!!!

Now it is my sweet girlfriend from Florida that tagged me to randomly share 10 things about my Nanay (Mom) or share 10 random facts about my mother. Wait a minute... what is the difference??? Anyways... here they are:

1. I have always thought I have one of the good-looking mothers around with her "kayumanggi" (golden brown) skin and beautiful face and sweet smile. She sure had a lot of hunky admirers when she was younger.

2. My hat is off to her for her hard work, strength both mentally and physically, determination, perseverance and intelligence.

3. Don't cross her path, the Waray, a woman from Samar [Visayan Island - known for their fearless disposition] in her comes out and she will lash out on you without batting her eyelash.... so you really want to be on her good side and it is very easy to be on that side.... no sweat.

4. She will spoil you like crazy if she likes you... (geeezzzz, she's getting to sound a lot like me... )

5. She had elementary grade for education but I can bet on her any time to discuss anything in the whole wide world... she is well read. She puts me to shame, that is for sure.

6. Her present world is now the 4 grandchildren and 1 great grandchildren, and I guess still the children...

7. She had a not so good marriage with my biological father (it was an arranged marriage) but had a wonderful marriage, for the most part, with my stepfather who passed away 2 years ago...

8. She is now living the healthy life... consciously and meticulously.

9. Had a mishap with her right knee operation which now limit her used-to-be very active, very independent way of living.

10. She is the best MOM!!! what can I say??? She raised four children on her own with multiple menial jobs. Now they are all living such comfortable lives here in America.

I love her very much!!! ( I know that is the eleventh random fact... but it is a fact indeed)