This nursy plays dirty and does it with pain...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Summer picture blog... in E's Garden

Summer here in my part of the world has been cool and even breezy at times!!! It is great for a walker like me. Sometimes it is so nice that I end up walking my doggies early in the evening, too. I walk in the morning most of the times. Yep, I still drag myself to the gym for my Pilatis session and my badly needed abdominal tortures... hehehe!!! But in the garden is where I get my most enjoyable work out... wrestling with the weeds, weight lifting with bags of mulches and potting soil and bark chips and buckets and buckets of cuttings.

And my garden definitely is getting more TLC lately because of that wonderful summer weather. Here are some pictures...

But then you really have to come and visit to enjoy the fragrance in the garden...


Elyani said...

Oh!It's so good to be able to visit your garden again! they are very pretty just like you :)

Anonymous said...

why? has elyani visited your place already? ahhh, not fair. E, I want to visit your home, too, pretty please. It is so beautiful! I want to make a big splash in that pool of yours.

Elyani said...

hehehe...cyber visit that is :) But I hope I'll be able to visit someday...and try the swimming pool if the water is not too cold.

NursyE said...

You ladies know you are always welcome anytime. I would love to have you. Yep, the pool's water stays warm longer because I put in the solar panel.

Clothings are optional as usual...

NursyE said...

Oooppps forgot...

Clothings are optional

And cameras are welcome!!!


Anonymous said...

you funny ladies!

Me too, I'm inviting myself to E's lovely home. The pool is so inviting. With the current hot and sticky day, makes me wanna jump the pool!

NursyE said...

I think this summer is my record breaking year for being a hostess. I have had people over in the last two months... mostly Filipino friends and co-workers. I am having so much fun having them over. I am glad to have them enjoy my place with me...

People are just so sweet!!! I enjoy being called Ate and Tita!!!