This nursy plays dirty and does it with pain...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Breaking Point!!!

A recent encounter with a seemingly "nice" person made me think...

Think a few times of human moralities and principles and that inner strength that we all suppose to have within us. Given, we all have stresses in life, of many different levels, that we each handle in different ways to the best of our abilities and ways of "coping". At some point in our stressful life, we somehow reach the point of "I had enough"... then what do we do? We do different things to try to balance out our lives when we reach that breaking point!!!

My favorite Wikepedia says this about "breaking point" . In human psychology, the breaking point is a moment of stress in which a person breaks down or a situation becomes critical. A breaking point can lead to a shift in morals and world perception.

It is that point at which physical, mental, or emotional strength gives way under stress and to which a condition or situation becomes critical. For some people, they resort in horrific act(s) in attempt to get rid of that one factor in the equation that tips off the scale of life and made it unbalanced. Do we, as the spectators give our understanding and justification of the horrific act that was committed when the mind was literally lost at that "breaking point"??? Do we give understanding to a mother that hurt her child because she "lost it"???

Breaking point??? Something to ponder upon...

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Motherhood ... the greatest accomplishment there is for a woman, I think. After all, the body of a woman is all about reproduction. The woman's body prepares herself every seconds of everyday for the conception of a human being...

According to many internet sources,it was in 1858, when Anna Reeves Jarvis founded Mother's day in West Virginia in honor of her beloved mother. The rest of her life, Anna Jarvis fought what became of the day she created ... the commercial and political exploitation of it.

It was not until June 1873 that the inaugural celebration of Mother's Day happened.

The nine months of carrying a child in the womb is only the beginning of motherhood. From the first day of pregnancy, the mother is faced with many challenges. Challenges that can make the rearing of the child much more interesting and trying...

As in any facet of life, motherhood has it own ups and downs. As a mother, my approach has been I do my best and think what is best of my child. I must say I have been lucky!!!

TO ALL OF THE MOTHERS IN THE WORLD, a toast and a salute to you!!!


As the saying goes ...

Monday, March 15, 2010


It has been a long time since my last post. I apologized. I had been in pretty challenging period in my life that took quite a bit of my time and energy. Now I am in the recovery period and feeling pretty good. So here goes.

Here is a concept for you to ponder upon. An older, wiser woman (the mother of a good friend of mine) from the Eastern world shared this with me as she listened to my woes. As I gnaw on the concept and reflect back on what have been happening in my life… I came to the conclusion that she could be right!!! She said: The wheel of life turns about every twelve years. When it turns, CHANGE(S) occur(s) in one’s life. The manifestation of the CHANGE(S) expand(s) to three years. In this turn of the wheel, one loses someone or something … job, wealth, partner and even one’s life. Be thankful she said if it’s not your life you lose because anything else is replaceable. The first of these three years is when gradual, little negative changes occur in your life. You are able to adapt to the “CHANGE(S). The second year is when you hit the bottom. This is when nothing works for you. It seems like everything and everybody is against you. You can not seem to correct these negativities for all your might. You might even wonder about your “faith”. This second year is the period of self realization … to submit or to fight … to the CHANGE(S). Life adjustments occur. The third year is the trip to recovery as slow as it might seem. This is when you start to feel that things are not as stressful or suffocating in your life as in that middle year. This is when things are looking up and those feelings that are positive are back within you again, and life is becoming “good” again… And so it continues for about twelve years … The turn of the wheel and the CHANGE(S), are what makes you that person that you are… What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Hhhhmmmmm … 2010 is my year!!! WELCOME and THANK YOU!!!